Today I'm sharing some of my favorite Trader Joe's finds with you, fine people!
I thought I'd share some samples of how I shop - I think it's interesting to see what other buy and what they find!! Here's what I look for at TJ's, and other stores:
- Minimal ingredients. No added sugar, soy, oil, etc. if it's not needed.
- Frozen veggies. These are always a good deal and can be defrosted in just a few minutes for a healthy meal
- Non-prepared meat. These are a better deal than prepared meats and prepared ones (e.g., pre-marinated) have a lot of stuff added I wouldn't use at home.
- In season produce. Also a better deal usually, and more fresh!
There are some pre-made things that I do love and use a lot so I'll show those in a future haul 🙂
Below is a snap of my last Trader Joe's haul at the end of April. We had about $70 to go in the budget and I came in well under at $55!! I love TJs because everything seems reasonably priced and I'm never surprised by anything outrageously expensive there. Normally I go and pick out whatever we need for upcoming meals plus a few treats, but this time I was super focused - stay under budget! All this while still being picky about ingredients 🙂
So what did I get?
Ground beef + cruciferous greens. I cooked the beef with a little garlic, ginger powder, and onion for a bulgogi type lunch. Meal prepped this on Sunday for two days of lunches for us! Also served with leftover chives and carrots and kimchi we already had (TJ's sells kimchi now yayyy) It's a little less expensive than the Whole Foods brand I found but has added sugar. Trade offs!)
Chicken breasts + red bell peppers + broccoli + rice. Used for an easy overnight crock pot Thai curry for lunches. I used this yellow curry paste (a lot of it), mixed with a can of coconut milk and just cooked the chicken overnight for about 8 hours. I added in the red pepper and some broccoli during the last 30 minutes to cook a little (but not be overcooked). Added a splash of rice vinegar and lime juice at the end as well, but just the curry paste and coconut milk is great!
Eggs + avocado + brussels + spinach for breakfasts. If you've seen my breakfast plates you know this is a classic. Eggs, greens, avocado and some sort of add in to switch it up (lately, ham for the eggs, but often bacon or pepperoni or whatever else!). I usually get cage free eggs, but went for the cheaper ones this time because #budget.
Wildcard: Bacon (because it makes everything taste better) + asparagus + + ground pork + pickled mixed veggies. We used the asparagus as a side for some leftover meals, and have yet to open the pickled veggies, but I'm excited for them! I thought we'd use the pork but I ended up freezing it and we'll have it for breakfast soon.
I'd have to say the best find this time around was the BROCCOLI!!! $1.49 / bag - how can you beat that? In a pinch I'll microwave this broccoli with a protein (egg, leftover meat, tofu, etc.) and have that for a meal. So much nutrition packed in so few dollars - so I keep a lot on hand! The shaved brussel sprouts are always, great too.
See Korean meal prepped lunches:
And a yummy breakfast:
More TJ's favorites to come in a future post! In the meantime, bon appétit, and happy + healthy shopping 🙂
There is no Trader Joe's here. Send me meals instead.